Things to put in e:\video\notporn

Herewith, some outstanding video clips (as in, not a whole series of something) that everybody linked to when they were new and exciting (years ago, in one case).

But you, gentle reader, may have missed out on one or more of them. So I don't feel too guilty about this Outside-Scoop blog post.

The title links go to the pages where you can find the big full-resolution versions of each for download.

Big Brother State:

Buggy Saints Row: The Musical:

Mercury Joe:

Rockfish (soon to be a major motion picture!):

4 Responses to “Things to put in e:\video\notporn”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Hi Dan
    Great videos!
    I think you should watch the above linked video too, it's very similar to BigBrotherState in content, but focuses on Trusted Computing. A full resolution version can be found on


  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Somehow the youtube link got lost in the previous post:

  3. com2kid Says:

    Wow, rockfish was made in 2002, and I missed it? Ick, now I feel guilty.

    I also feel sad for humanity that they are making it into a movie with Vin Diesel.

  4. Daniel Rutter Says:

    Hey, Vin Diesel's OK. He (according to numerous possibly-accurate reports) has his D&D character tattooed on his arm!

    OK, Vin's no Matt Damon (who really seems to be The Nicest Guy In The Whole World in every interview I've seen; as I've explained before, that sort of thing matters to me), but it's also not as if he's just the generic jock he resembles. I feel pretty confident that Vin would pass the Damn, I'm Trapped In A Lift With A Celebrity, I Hope This Won't Be Awful test.

    (Another candidate: The Rock. If his real name wasn't Dwayne, though, it could be a close-run thing.)

    Although, I should be clear, my greatest 96%-heterosexual man-crushes remain Mike Rowe and Rob Riggle.

    (The one on Rob may only be 93% heterosexual.)

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