MechWarrioring, Online

MechWarrior Online screenshot

I've been spending entirely too much time playing MechWarrior Online.

If you've got a Windows PC with moderate graphics power, or something that can be tricked into acting like one, try it. It's free. And if you do not want to fight people from distant nations in a giant walking tank, I am not at all sure that I want to be friends with you.

(There will be a certain amount of BattleTech-y jargon in this post. I make no apologies, since all right-thinking people pored over Technical Readout: 3025 at the bus stop in 1987 as I did, memorising even the stupidest-looking 'Mechs, and thinking long and hard on the subject of internal-combustion Demolisher tanks only costing about 20% more than 25-ton scout 'Mechs. You are allowed to not have also played hundreds of hours of the unlicensed multiplayer-only tabletop-BattleTech knockoff Mechforce on the Amiga, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. Oh, and in case you care, the modern equivalent to Mechforce is MegaMek.)

Missiles incoming

MechWarrior Online is currently in open beta. It is not bugless, and right now the only game mode is eight-a-side team deathmatch on a small handful of maps, with a capture-the-base mechanic to avoid the "Where's Wally" problem in which the single survivor of one team goes and hides until his opponents quit in disgust.

But it doesn't crash very often, and stuff you earn in the beta will carry over into the full release, so it's well worth trying.

Because, again, it's free.

Sad 'Mech in snow

"Wait a minute," I hear you say, "this is actually an Allegedly Free Game, right? They want you to send them money if you want a 'Mech that can compete, don't they?"

Well, yes, Piranha Games would very much like you to whip out your credit card or PayPal account and pay for "MechWarrior Credits" ("MC"), which can be purchased in five tiers from $US6.95 for 1250 MCs (180 MCs per dollar) to $US99.95 for 25,000 MCs (250 credits per dollar). But you really can play, and play competitively, without spending a penny.

You can certainly play competitively without buying the first only-available-for-real-money "hero 'Mech", the "Yen-Lo-Wang" variant of the Centurion. That costs 3750 MCs, meaning you'd have to buy at least the $US29.95 6500-MC package (217 MCs per dollar), and its main selling point is that it multiplies all "normal" money, "C-Bills" you make in the game by 1.3. But that's about the only nice thing you can say about it.

I will digress about the "Wang", as everyone calls both it and anyone driving one, for a moment, because that 'Mech exemplifies an important piece of MechWarrior Online's design. (This may have debuted in some other MechWarrior game, by the way; I haven't played the last couple of them. I haven't played Crysis-based MechWarrior, Living Legends either.)

The Wang is not a very good 'Mech at all, because the only weapon "hardpoints" it has are two ballistic ones on the right arm, and two energy hardpoints in the centre torso. You only have two "slots" left over in any 'Mech's the centre torso after the gyro and engine, so you can't mount any big lasers or PPCs or whatever there. The best you can do is two Medium Lasers. Even a Medium Pulse Laser will take up both slots and leave you no room to install a second energy weapon.

Old-style tabletop BattleTech did not work like this. Per the original rules, you could strip any 'Mech down to the frame and rebuild it however you liked, provided it didn't end up overweight.

(Weight limits are one of the distinctive features of BattleTech. A "75-ton" 'Mech can be kitted out with less than 75 tons of gear if you're feeling perverse, but not so much as an ounce more. Since any 'Mech with hands can, per the original rules, also yank a two-ton tree out of the ground and whack another 'Mech with it, and since 'Mechs can operate on a variety of planets with different gravity strength, this makes no sense at all. But it's always been in the rules, and MechWarrior Online follows them.)

So by the old rules, you could take the LRMs off an Archer and put on lots of heat-sinks and lasers, or you could somehow cram an AC/20 into any scout 'Mech by downsizing the engine and stripping off armour and arm actuators, or you could stick jump jets on anything. You name it. The "fluff" may say that this 'Mech is prone to knee-joint problems and that one has especially fast torso twisting, but there was no actual difference in the game itself.

In MechWarrior Online, the hardpoints are fixed. If you buy the Catapult variant that has six missile hardpoints and nothing else, you will never be able to put a laser on it. And 'Mechs really do have different cockpit visibility, arm and torso movement ranges, and so on.

Which is why the Wang sucks. It comes with an AC/20, the heaviest-hitting gun in the game, on its right arm, but opponents with a clue will try to shoot that arm off any Wang they see. And if you're like me and playing from Australia, your 250-millisecond-ish ping time makes ballistic weapons very hard to use. Lasers and lock-on missiles (both long-range and Streak short range) work well enough, but even PPCs are hard to aim when the darn thing always goes off a quarter second after you press the button, and heavy autocannon are a huge pain.

The hardpoint system means Wang pilots are stuck with these problems, though. They can put two lighter autocannon in the right arm if they like, or even a couple of machine guns (which are almost harmless unless shooting a de-armoured location, in which case they become critical-hit monsters). But, to add insult to injury, the Wang's arms don't even have very wide movement arcs. So you almost get the restricted tracking of a torso-mount weapon, with the vulnerability of an arm-mount one.

OK, back to the "pay to win" problem, and why MechWarrior Online does not suffer from it, much.

You can buy some MCs with real money right at the outset, and buy your own 'Mech.

This isn't necessarily even very expensive; the cheapest 'Mech in the game so far is a Commando variant that goes for only 680 MC, giving you plenty of change from even the $US6.95 MC package.

(The most expensive 'Mech is an Atlas variant that costs 13.7 million C-bills, or 5480 MC. You'd need to buy at least the $US29.95 6500-MC package to buy it right off the bat. Oh, and you can't, at the moment at least, buy partially with C-Bills and partially with MC.)

Don't buy right away, though; maybe you won't even like the game! Instead, start out playing the "trial" 'Mechs, which are actually pretty good at the moment (they switch the trial 'Mechs around from time to time. The last batch weren't so great).

Do not jump into the trial Atlas and lumber around in befuddlement at your numerous weapons systems and limited speed and torso aiming envelope. Grab the trial Commando or Catapult, instead. The Commando is nippy and heavily armed for its size (it's exactly tall enough to headbutt an Atlas in the crotch); the Catapult has a simple and useful weapon loadout, and jump-jets, which may or may not reduce the amount of time a newbie spends grinding his face on the scenery.

Newbies do that because MechWarrior Online, like all other "proper" MechWarrior games, has separate controls for your legs and your torso and arms. Using the default keyboard and mouse controls (which work well), W and S change throttle setting, and A and D turn your legs left and right. The mouse moves your arms and torso. Arms - and any weapons on them - get to where you've moved quickly, then the torso - and any weapons on it - catches up.

Since many 'Mechs have a quite wide torso traverse - many can aim directly behind them with their arms - it is easy to lose track of what you're doing and flail around randomly while nudging the scenery and being torn to shreds by heartless opponents. Thus far the game also lacks any sort of interactive tutorial, too, so you have to learn to drive under fire.

(On the subject of shooting behind you, by the way, MechWarrior Online does not allow rear-facing weapons, because they couldn't figure out a way to make them useful and fun at the same time. There are also no 'Mech collisions in the game at the moment; they took out the collision code after seeing how often a 'Mech would be knocked down in one place then stand up somewhere very different. Collisions, and Death from Above, are promised to be reinstated once they've sorted this out.)

Anyway, pick a trial 'Mech, and play. This will earn you the in-game "C-Bills" money, but not experience points. But you don't have to pay to repair or re-arm a trial 'Mech either, and you get money even when you lose a game.

Which you will, a lot, because the match-maker at the moment doesn't seem to see any difference between a new player in a trial heavy 'Mech and a hugely experienced player in a fully tricked-out heavy 'Mech. In about 20 to 30 games, you'll be able to afford to buy your own light 'Mech.

MWO 'Mech customisation

Which is what I recommend you do. A nice fast light 'Mech is the closest to a conventional first-person shooter you can get in this game, zooming around behind enemies spotting targets for your long-range shooters and generally making a nuisance of yourself is a lot of fun, and a light 'Mech with no fancy upgrades doesn't cost much to repair even if you're utterly blown to bits.

Ferro-fibrous armour, endo-steel interior structure, Artemis missile fire control and the extremely expensive XL engines are all available as upgrades; if you still frequently do not survive a battle, it's best not to bother with any of them. (Especially the XL engine, the cheapest of which costs more than the biggest plain engine. XL engines have extra critical-hit locations in right and left torso; any hit to any of those locations detonates the engine and your 'Mech, making it impossible to turn a profit on that match.)

When you play with an "owned", non-Trial 'Mech, you earn "Mech XP" experience points that can be spent on minor upgrades - 7.5% better heat dissipation, 10% faster turning speed, that sort of thing - specific to that 'Mech variant:

MWO Pilot Lab

You can get the first eight upgrades by just saving up enough XP; you can only get the "Elite" and higher upgrades - and also double all of the basic-upgrade bonuses, which is rather nice - if you've bought all eight upgrades for three variants of that 'Mech model.

This is made easier by "General XP", which can be spent on upgrades for any 'Mech. You can convert Mech XP into General XP one-for-one, but it costs 40 MC per thousand XP converted.

You don't have to convert any points, though. You can just play with each 'Mech variant until you've earned enough points with it to upgrade it fully.

The Elite upgrades aren't that amazing, either; the double bonus to the Basic upgrades is much more exciting, if you ask me. Elite offers you 33% faster shutting down and starting up, 15% better weapon "convergence" (accuracy of aiming at the crosshair), 5% faster weapon firing and a 10% higher top speed, but that'll cost you 21,500 experience points, versus 14,250 for all eight Basic upgrades.

And, importantly, there is no way to just buy these upgrades; you can buy Mech Credits and use them to shift Mech XP from one 'Mech to General XP you can spend on tweaking another, but you can't buy experience points.

(You can also only buy pilot upgrades with GXP, but none of those are must-haves either.)

As you may have gathered, I could keep rabbiting on about this game indefinitely. In future posts, I may.

Just go and play it. It's fun.

(And do feel free to send me some money so, despite all the above, I can buy some more MCs with which to shift my XP points around. And buy more 'Mech bays, slots for owned 'Mechs so you don't have to sell one before you can buy another. Papa needs a new BattleMech carport, people!)

20 Responses to “MechWarrioring, Online”

  1. Mohonri Says:

    I was expecting a reference to your entertaining-to-this-day treatise on being a pest (in all the right ways!) in FPS games, and was sad when I didn't see one. So there's one for those unfortunate readers who haven't had the pleasure.

    • dan Says:

      The life of the high-speed light 'Mech is very much Team Annoying Bastard, but at my current skill level, the life expectancy is a lot lower. If I ever get my act together, I may write on this subject.

  2. moetop Says:

    I have been playing Mechwarrior online for about 4 or 5 days now. It is a whole lot of fun and fast becoming my new favorite.

    I know you have written about Tribes in the past and was wondering if you have tried the latest "free" version, Tribes Ascend? It has a similar buy credits or accumulate points to get more crap system. I have been playing since beta and find a familiar feel to "the good old days" of Tribes.

  3. Itsacon Says:

    You forgot to mention that while you can buy a mech with real-world money, the upgrades, weapons, engines and so on can only be bought with game money. So you can get your own mech without playing, but to outfit it exactly like you want, you're still gonna have to grind. Especially for those shiny XL engines...

    (Of course, you can buy a mech with MC, then sell it for C-bills, and thus convert one currency to another, but the exchange rate is atrocious that way).

  4. RichVR Says:

    Thanks for this piece Dan. I've been involved with MWO since it was a web page that said coming soon. Yeah I went with the Legendary Founder's package as well. What can I say? Love me some mechs.

    Hopefully this will bring in some fresh meat. :-D

  5. TwoHedWlf Says:

    Ok, you talked me into it. I'll download it tomo...Wait, it's 4am make that later today.

    • TwoHedWlf Says:

      Well, that was a waste of time and reminds me why I've basically never played any multiplayer games more than a couple times since Interstate 76. Totally unplayable. Move for 1 second, pause for half a second, move for half a second, pause for 2, move for 1 second, pause for 15 and suddenly I'm halfway across the map crashing through some trees, play for 2 seconds, pause for 1, see a guy and try to shoot, pause for 3 seconds, no idea where the guy disappeared to now...

      • c.j. kerr Says:

        What are you using for a net connection, IP over Avian Carrier?

      • dan Says:

        Could be net-code, more likely the dreaded Four Frame Per Second Bug. If you get a decent frame rate whenever you cannot see any other 'Mechs, then that's definitely what it is.

        1: Turn graphics settings UP. Seriously, that fixed it for me.
        2: Turn off any "slopsucker" programs you've got running at low priority, like Folding@Home or the client. MWO's client seems to be so polite that it doesn't like to interrupt programs like that.
        3: Turn off anything else that's using Internet bandwidth, even if it's using far less than your total bandwidth.

        The 4FPS Curse also sometimes just strikes after you've played a few games. In that case, soldier on in the current game or quit in disgust, then quit MWO and run it again.

        F9 displays the current frame rate, but you don't really need it to diagnose the 4FPS Curse :-).

        • TwoHedWlf Says:

          Framerate seems to be mostly bouncing around the 30-50fps. Graphics were all on high, I've moved them all to very high. It does seem to be more often when there are other mechs on screen, but not always. Let's see if that helps...

          Oh and C.J. I'm using carrier Kiwi, I think.

          • TwoHedWlf Says:

            Nope, increasing graphics didn't do any good. Seemed to be a little better at first, but that didn't last. I counted 14 seconds staring at the back of an enemy mech that appeared out of nowhere directly in front of me then once I could move again was nowhere to be found.

  6. TwoHedWlf Says:

    Huh, dropped the graphics down to minimum and it's working MUCH better.

  7. griffinme Says:

    Not able to use a joystick? WTF!?!? This is the only MW game I have seen without the ability to use a joystick. Even the old MW2 allowed it. In fact if you didn't you were fresh meat to be ground up and spit out. I still have my Sidewinder from back in the day.

    Brings back memories of my fav specialty mech. A MadCat fitted with hardly any armor and 15-20 AC2's set for chain fire. The range of the AC2 was 2200M while the Pop Tart crowd's PPC was 2000M. It was guaranteed to piss them off to no end. You know your on to something when people start whining about how your cheating.

  8. Red_October Says:

    Dan, Dan, Dan! The Commando? It's quantifiably the worst 'Mech in the game right now! I know you've mentioned the Something Awful forums before; I thought for certain you must be a Goon. Perhaps you are and just haven't seen the thread. Do come and play with us if you are, you'll be rolling in enough C-bills to transmit the Manhattan telephone directory from one end of the Sphere to the other!

    The big problem with the Commando is the matchmaking. The teams are matched by weight class, so every time you drop in a Commando, you've good odds of being matched against a Jenner or Raven with substantially more firepower. It would be useful if they ballanced by tonnage, or some approximation of Battle Value, but as it stands the matchmaking will bite the Commando on the ass.

    Machine guns are fairly terrible; the only time I've found them useful is on the Dragon that can fit 3 in one arm -even critical hits don't help them much as a crit will only multiply the 0.4 damage from one round. With the Dragon you can put fire on anything you can see that's in range, and you can fire no matter where your heat is. Even so, it's mostly to ensure that you're doing sonething with that arm. If you want real fun, though, mount 3 Class 2 Autocannons on that arm and select chain fire. All but the most grizzled veteran will at least find aiming quite difficult whilst taking such fire, and newbies are likely to panic and either run or overheat. With the 300XL and a couple Doubles, you can fire this ersatz Oerlikon and actually cool off slowly. Use a Streak 2 in your missile slot and suddenly ALL of your firepower follows the quick pipper, which greatly simplifies aiming and confiunds those who try to get under or over your guns, so to speak.

    • TwoHedWlf Says:

      Fuuuuucking commando. Wish someone had told me it sucks so bad before wasting 20-30 rounds to save up enough to buy the cheapest mech. And I can only sell it for less than 1/3 of what I bought it for. I'm thinking of selling it and going back to using the trial mechs for a while. I think you earn less money that way but maybe I'll occasionally be on the winning side.

    • dan Says:

      Horses for courses. I love my little Commandos enough that I've got them to Elite. Yes, they tend to attract superior enemy 'Mechs because matchmaking isn't tonnage-based yet, but my 3A with two medium pulse lasers does OK, and my 2D with three Streak SRM-2s has a surprising number of kills, even if you don't count the ones where I was just ambling along behind a newbie in a trial Atlas drilling a hole in his big dumb back.

      Yes, a Jenner or Raven is a better 'Mech; I've got a couple of Ravens too. But I have more fun in a Commando.

      (And autocannons are fun and all, but not for an Australian with a ping of 250ms.)

  9. Red_October Says:

    Don't get me wrong, I love the Commando and truly hope that some future change helps its prospects. Nor do I mean that a well-driven Commando cannot be either fun to drive or combat-effective. If you're having fun then that's really all that matters. I just balked a little at the idea of advising a newbie to drive one since doing so successfully involves walking a bit of a tightrope between making yourself enough if a damn nuisance to the other team that they are negatively impacted, and keeping your tiny metal ass alive to keep doing so. In all honesty, though, I haven't taken one out since the Star League tech update and us Goons are a little dismissive of the "Metal Babby". I've been itching to try the 3 SSRM2 fit again anyway.

    • dan Says:

      With max armour, including decent BACK armour, and a speed a bit above 100km/h, a Commando can be surprisingly durable as long as you keep moving and make some vague effort to not run straight at or straight away from enemies. Little bugger's just so SMALL that even guided missiles often miss.

      A beginner could just bolt for the enemy base at the start of every game and make a real contribution that way - as long as you've the wit to not run straight through the complete assembled enemy team, you'll often split them in half or just capture the dang base, with very little skill involved. You usually won't manage this with the trial Commando because it has so very very little armour and can pretty much die to bird-strike, but it's a valid play style with an owned Commando.

      (This is distinct from the unhelpful "suicide run", where you sprint off at the beginning with the specific goal of getting killed, quitting the match, and starting another match with a different 'Mech to do the same again, grinding XP and money. The game has ever-improving suicide-idiot detection features, but will never be able to tell suicide-runners from mere Leeroy Jenkins players.)

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