The Blogcruft Elimination Project

This post on the bitter and twisted Coding Horror alerted me to two significant problems with this blog.

I had a Useless Calendar Widget, and no way for readers to figure out who the heck I was.

Both fixed now.

I'm pretty light on the rest of the Web 2.0 bingo stuff, but perhaps your own beautiful and unique snowflake of a blog is not.

(And actually, I always figured that Phil Greenspun punctuated his writing with random pictures just to make sure that his readers never forget how many photos he's taken of naked women.)

2 Responses to “The Blogcruft Elimination Project”

  1. Matt Says:

    Can't say I agreed with much of what he had to say. Personally, I check many blogs (and other websites) once a week, and having a calendar there allows me to jump back one week and start reading, without having to work out what the date was last Monday.

    And what about #10 - Blogging about blogging? "Meta-blogging is like masturbating." Well then, Jeff, get it out of my face, thanks.

  2. Daniel Rutter Says:

    Personally, I check many blogs (and other websites) once a week, and having a calendar there allows me to jump back one week

    Fair enough, if you perversely insist on doing it this way and not using RSS :-).

    For everyone else, there's nothing special about "a week ago", and no particular reason to want to see what was posted at that particular time. People may well want to read the last several posts, which a "most recent posts" thing like mine does well enough.

    And, if that's not enough, a complete-archive page does the trick. My crappy dateless post archive is here (not that dates in the archive often actually do add much information); the Coding Horror dated archive is here.

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